About Us

Where did the idea come from?

The initial idea for this product first came up back in 2019 during my long relationship with my partner. Although everything else was fine in our relationship, I gradually started to avoid intimacy, touch, and everything related to it, so that it would not lead to the act itself again.

But why? I didn’t even have a headache or was in a hurry, so why wasn’t I interested? I realised then that the biggest deterrent for me was always the post-sex cleanse, which at its worst stretched into the next day. It didn’t matter if I went to the toilet, took a shower, or jumped flat foot on the floor, it was still dripping out after several hours.

I tried to find a product that would solve the problem easily, but I couldn’t find anything. I was quite confused because, in conversations with other friends of mine, almost all of them had the same problem. So, inspired by these conversations and my own situation, I decided to develop a product myself.

Spongina - Your New After Sex Cleanup Solution
Spongina - Your New After Sex Cleanup Solution

And Spongina was created

Spongina’s product development has focused particularly on its design with comfort and safety in mind. The product is fully sterilised and its rounded edges and soft material make it as effortless as possible to use. Using Spongina is quick and easy, as after just 30 seconds the product has already absorbed all the excess fluids which would normally end up on the sheets, underwear, or on the way to the bathroom.

Cleaning up can be easy for women too

Cleaning up after sex doesn’t have to be as difficult and time-consuming as it currently is for women. Spongina is also intended to enable women to enjoy intimacy and sex without the normal cleaning process, which in the worst cases can last for days. Spongina makes having sex much more effortless than ever before.

Spongina - After Sex Cleanup solution

If you have any questions about our products or the subject in general, you can always email us at info@spongina.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also visit our FAQ page for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

With all my love,

Spongina - Your New After Sex Cleanup Solution
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